Monday, June 23, 2008

Fantazia Facebook

Well we have finally set up a Fantazia page on Facebook, it gets a little tiring putting effort into a website and then having to learn how to do another site and another what with Myspace, Bebo and now Facebook. When we first started the site we did set up a Myspace page as it was the big new thing of the time, and all the talk was off how the arctic Monkeys had hit big because of it. You just felt you could not do without a page on their.

After using Myspace though I for one have always been turned of by the layouts and garish colours which seem to do nothing but detract. I am sure a skilled web developer with the freedom it gives can do amazing stuff, but for the average joe, me included it just means a mess, which is a big turn off, and we soon gave up on supporting it hugely. After Myspace came Bebo, which you could not not have as it was so UK based and was popular with the younger demographic who are the audience of tomorrow and should be ignored at your peril. It was an improvement on Myspace but still some what lacking amd perhaps constrained by its younger audience market market.

So when Myspace came along we ignored it not wanting to put in lots more time, but now we can ignore it no more and I have set aside my evenings to build up my friends list! The wife is going crazy but it certainly seems the easiest of the 3 to get up and running and navigate around, the gadgets can be good to. I especially like the blog link, which should get this read more often. If any one has any tips on must have gadgets or wants to us do let me know. See you on there!

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