Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Mixmag asks is EDM killing the art of DJing? We ask what about in Rave?

In an interesting article about the art of the DJing and the impact of technology Mixmag tells some interesting stories including the one below about DJ's not being all that they should be.  Shocking but no surprise to those in the industry I am sure... certainly many main stream DJs were media names more than pure talent.  But what about todays Rave DJ's?  Anyone ever caught one out?
3. “Spectacle has replaced music as the primary FORCE in a DJ’s performance”
When confronted by the accusation that he’d used a pre-mixed CD sans headphones at a major gig recently, one of EDM’s biggest stars not only confessed to being totally guilty, but said that it was necessary as part of his incredibly complex job of playing someone else’s record at the right moment to go with some bangers and glitter. It’s nothing new. A decade ago at Fabric I saw one of clubland’s most revered figures caught red-handed by Fabric’s owner leaping, gurning and fist-pumping like a PG Tips chimp while frantically twisting at the mixer like he was delivering a difficult robot baby with two jelly spanners. Unfortunately, the actual channels being throttled were not, in fact, in use. A mix CD was merrily working away quietly like Rod Hull; meanwhile everyone thought Robo-Emu was brilliant.  Rest of the article below...

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